10 Landscaping Tips for Drought and Extreme Heat

These 10 landscaping tips for drought and extreme heat will be helpful for North Texas homeowners facing the challenges of protecting their landscaping during scorching weather. Landscaping during these conditions requires planning, conservation, and adaptation. This Legit Landscapes blog will share helpful tips to keep your landscaping alive and vibrant during drought and extreme heat.

Choose Native and Drought-Resistant Plants

Red Salvia
Red Salvia
Flowering Cactus
Flowering Cactus

Choose plants native to your region and naturally adapted to withstand the local climate. Native plants have evolved to cope with the normal weather patterns of an area, making them more resilient during droughts and heat waves. Drought-resistant species like succulents, cacti, lavender, and yarrow can thrive with minimal water and care.

For more information, check out these blogs and videos:

Colorful Succulents Are Great Drought-Tolerant Landscaping Options For North Texas Homeowners

Rock Landscaping Is A Drought-Resistant Landscaping Solution For Hot, Dry Months

Efficient Watering Practices

Drip Irrigation
Drip Irrigation
Drip Irrigation
Drip Irrigation

During droughts, water conservation becomes important. Use smart watering tactics to maximize the limited water available. Use a drip irrigation system or soaker hoses instead of sprinklers to deliver water directly to the plant roots, minimizing evaporation. Water your plants in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler, reducing water loss to evaporation.

Mulching for Moisture Retention

Different Types of Mulch
Different Types of Mulch
Rock Mulch
Rock Mulch
Rock Mulch
Rock Mulch

Applying a layer of organic mulch around your plants helps retain soil moisture and reduce evaporation. Mulch also regulates soil temperature, keeping the roots cooler during scorching days. Use materials like wood chips, rocks, straw, or compost, and spread them around your plants, leaving a few inches of space around the stem to prevent rot.

Using rock landscaping can be very helpful during harsh, dry weather.  Check out our blog: Rock Landscaping Is A Drought-Resistant Landscaping Solution For Hot, Dry Months.

Here are two more blogs about rock landscaping and its benefits:

Rock Landscaping Ideas To Add Natural Beauty To Outdoor Spaces

Fall Is The Perfect Time For North Texas Homeowners To Try Rock Landscaping

Proper Soil Preparation

Compost Life Cycle

Prepare your soil before planting by adding organic matter like compost. Improving the soil helps it hold moisture, which becomes essential during dry periods. This encourages healthy root growth, which makes it easier for plants to access water and nutrients.

Implement Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater Harvesting System
Rainwater Harvesting System
Rainwater Harvesting System
Rainwater Harvesting System

Take advantage of any rainfall by implementing a rainwater harvesting system. Collecting rainwater from roofs and gutters and storing it in barrels or tanks can be a great supplementary water source during dry periods. Cover containers to prevent mosquito breeding. Rain barrels are also a great solution.

Rain Barrel
Rain Barrel
Rain Barrel
Rain Barrel

Our blog Drought-Tolerant Landscaping: 3 Options For A Gorgeous Yard With Minimal Water Usage has more information about rainwater harvesting systems and other great watering solutions for extreme heat.

Group Plants with Similar Water Needs

Divide your landscape into watering zones based on the water needs of different plants. Grouping plants with similar water requirements together allows you to provide adequate hydration without wasting water on plants that need less.

Regular Maintenance and Pruning

Regular Maintenance and Pruning

Maintaining your landscape during drought and extreme heat involves regular monitoring and pruning. Remove dead or damaged plant material to conserve energy and water for the healthy parts of the plant. Pruning also encourages new growth, which helps the plant to cope with challenging conditions.


Create shaded areas in your landscape to protect plants from direct sunlight and scorching temperatures. Planting trees strategically can provide much-needed relief to sensitive plants and reduce water evaporation from the soil.

Water Efficiently

When hand-watering your plants, water the roots directly and avoid wetting the foliage. Wet leaves can lead to fungal diseases, and water droplets can magnify the sun’s rays, causing damage to the plant.

Prioritize Essential Areas

During severe drought and heat waves, keeping every part of your landscape green and lush may not be feasible. Prioritize watering essential areas like vegetable gardens, young plants, and costly flowers and plants, allowing less critical parts of your landscaping to go dormant.

Use these tips to help make your landscaping resilient to weather challenging conditions like drought and scorching temperatures. If you need help implementing any of these tips or have questions about maintaining your landscaping during hot, dry weather, contact Legit Landscapes. We would love to help. 

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About Legit Landscapes

Legit Landscapes is a family-owned, full-service landscaping design and installation company that serves North Texas homeowners. We specialize in high-end, beautiful landscaping, well-designed stonework, and custom water features. Our highly-skilled artisans transform outdoor spaces into relaxing retreats, peaceful sanctuaries, and functional areas for entertaining.

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